Food & Dry Good Items We Are In Need
Food Canned Pineapple Canned Oranges Canned Carrots Canned Beef Apple Sauce Onion Soup Mix Bread Crumbs Sugar Maple Syrup Salad Dressing Mayo Ketchup Jam & Jelly Coffee Oil Boxed Potatoes Rice A Roni Muffin Mixes Instant Oatmeal Egg Noodles Misc Soups Clam Chowder Canned Fish: Salmon Clams Shrimp Sardines Oysters | Household Cleaning Supplies Toilet Paper Paper Towels Dish Soap Laundry Soap Body Wash Shampoo Conditioner Women’s Deodorant Feminine Products Shaving Cream Pets Dry Cat Food Wet Cat Food Cat Litter Wet Dog Food | Clothing New Winter Clothing Diapers Baby Wipes |
Please see our Facebook page for our most updated list!

Home grown produce
If you are wanting to donate fruit from your trees, we do accept donations as long as it has been picked from the trees and not from the ground. No evidence of invasive pests.
MFB Has Many Homeless in Need
We need the community’s help in providing needed items for them.
If you can, please help us collect these items: Warm blankets, hand and foot warmers, aspirin/Tylenol, tooth paste and toothbrushes, Tums, warm socks , gloves, deodorant, shampoo, razors, hand can openers and matches. The weather is starting to get colder and our families would appreciate your generous help.
Grocery Bags
If you are looking for a place to take your grocery bags, we will put them to good use! We share to our clients to transport groceries home from the food bank, we are asking for donations of cloth grocery bags. If you have cloth bags about the size of standard grocery bags, please see our contact information for location information.
We do not accept medical supplies, here is a location you are able to drop off at: Snohomish Evangelical Free